Asclepeion Temple


Near the south edge of Parikia lie the ruins of Asklepeion, a temple dedicated to the god of medicine Asclepius. In the surrounding area you can find the sanctuary of Apollo Pythios and the sanctuary of Demeter Thesmophoros.

The temple is a rectangular construction of the late classical period (4th century BC), its total surface is 45 m to 15 meters all of which still stands today. The temple at its narrow side had tunnels and the most worshiping took place at an altar located in the middle of the open temple. At the same location traces were discovered of another temple which was dedicated to Pithius Apollon.

All around the site there are scattered architectural elements and artifacts, you can walk amongst the ruins of the ancient temples carved from white Parian marble like the large fragments of Doric style columns. It is easily accessible and you can get there by following the ring road from Parikia heading towards the southwest of the island.

Photos of Asclepeion Temple
